The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a dog of distinct variety and ancient origin, who derives his name from his hunting style and not his relationship to other breeds. 威尔斯激飞猎犬是一种独特而古老的品种,他的得名是因为他的捕猎本领,而不是与其他有什么关联。
An English springer spaniel, known as James, at a dog show in New York, Feb.13,2007. 二月十三日,一只名叫詹姆斯的英国小猎鹬犬参加纽约的狗展。(照片∶美联社)
Breeds that may be more commonly affected include the English Cocker Spaniel, German Shepherd Dog, Alaskan Malamute, Dachshund, and Springer Spaniel. 常见的患肛门囊腺癌的犬种有英国可卡犬,德国牧羊犬,阿拉斯加雪橇犬,腊肠犬和英国激飞猎犬。